Visit ownmail.comWhile scanning server information of Ownmail.com we found that it’s hosted by Amazon Data Services India since September 01, 2020. Earlier Ownmail was hosted by The activity you have detected originates from a dynamic hosting environment. For fastest response please submit abuse reports at http://aws-portal.amazon.com/gp/aws/html-forms-controller/contactus/AWSAbuse For more information regarding EC2 see: http:// in 2018, Amazon AWS Services - Cloudfront - FRA2 in 2013 and RIPE Network Coordination Centre in 2013.
Ownmail.com server and hosting history
Currently hosted by
Amazon Data Services India
since September 01, 2020 -
IP address
Hosting provider | IP | |
Amazon Data Services India | | |
The activity you have detected originates from a dynamic hosting environment. For fastest response, please submit abuse reports at http://aws-portal.amazon.com/gp/aws/html-forms-controller/contactus/AWSAbuse For more information regarding EC2 see: http:// | | |
Amazon AWS Services - Cloudfront - FRA2 | | |
RIPE Network Coordination Centre | |