Visit eoeptgdbadajoz.juntaextremadura.netWhile scanning server information of Eoeptgdbadajoz.juntaextremadura.net we found that it’s hosted by Data Center of the Extremadura Goverment (Junta de Extremadura) distributed among various offices of the city of Merida since December 16, 2016. Earlier Eoeptgdbadajoz.juntaextremadura was hosted by Servicio CloudGobex - Junta de Extremadura in 2015.
Eoeptgdbadajoz.juntaextremadura.net server and hosting history
Currently hosted by
Data Center of the Extremadura Goverment (Junta de Extremadura) distributed among various offices of the city of Merida
since December 16, 2016 -
IP address
Hosting provider | IP | |
Data Center of the Extremadura Goverment (Junta de Extremadura) distributed among various offices of the city of Merida | | |
Servicio CloudGobex - Junta de Extremadura | |